I know, I know. you probably thought I might NEVER blog again!
Put away your tissue and tell all your friends that Family Sized Fun is back.
Where was I?
Well first of all, my old computer just decided one day to stop blogging. I don't know why, but it wouldn't and we were sad.
Then, I just started getting so busy. I guess I really started making myself busy. I have a bunch of new friends, the kids have school, my mom came to visit, then the holidays started, and before you know it, here we are in December.
I'd like to bring this story to a very important development involving Family Sized Fun's BIGGEST FAN!
My mother in law (HI JANET!) missed the blog the most! She must have, since she sent me a laptop she wasn't using so it could continue without excuses. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Janet! As I am sure everyone reading this also wants thank you, here are a few more!
And here I am wondering how I am ever to work this back into my schedule. Luckily, I have some pictures to share over the next little while that have just been waiting in the wings for your perusal.

Behold, my kids at the local marine rescue center, petting sting rays. Madee says they give her a high 5!

I mean, look at the face. like a friendly little ghost. Aside from the slicker-y skin and stinger-y tail, I want to kiss him!

And some last days of summer shots at the beach.

A little tai chi...

Big smiles

and somebody is getting the hang of some waves, people.

It's nice to be back. I am excited to share with you some of the developments going on in our world. We have missed you, and we are glad we are back!
I also want to mention that we lost a dear family member in the interim of our time away. It is still very heavy on my heart to be without our buddy, Zeus.
This dog changed everything for me. He went from child intolerant to a LOVER or kiddos, he was loyal and loving like no other dog I have had in my life. In his day, a frisbee was his bitch and come to think of it so was every other dog on the doggie playground. boy dogs wanted to BE him and lady dogs wanted to be WITH him.
He was an amazing guy, and my heart still has a Zeus sized hole that can't be filled. I miss you biddy, you were SUCH a good dog. Our family and our lives aren't the same without you, and they wouldn't have been as sweet without your being there while you were.
We love you. ALWAYS.