And I starting thinking back to my days in Tahoe when the Farmer's Market didn't even start until June and even then it was a while before the good tomatoes started showing up.
But this bowl of tomatoes?
I grew them in my backyard.
And every night for the past week I go out at sundown and fill a bowl this size with fresh homegrown tomatoes and we pick at them until they are all gone.
(loo at me saving $3.00 a DAY!)

And they are so sweet and delicious.
The girls are loving growing our own food.
(But not as much as me.)

The first was gone in 30 minutes, and by Sunday night?
I am needing to go to the market again.
We actually have Farmer's Markets in town Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Thursday so don't you worry, there will; plenty more tomato-cuke salad to share.

But in a pinch I would just douse them with Italian Dressing and be done with it.

Right now you just hush your pretty little mouth and eat this.
I've got two words! Jealous and yummy!
total jealousy happening over here. our tomato crops START in laaate july-august!! YUMMO. enjoy :)
Here in NY, we haven't even put our baby plants in the ground yet! And small red tomatoes go for almost $4 a pound!!!!!!!
Ohmygad those look divine. Our tomatoes are barely sprouted! I won't even get thy bowl full total this year (balcony planters). Not fair. Also, the photos are so bright&pretty, edible almost. Swoon.
Wait, there's a farmer's market open on Monday in Orlando? I have to know where this is! I can go by myself on Monday instead of dragging the husband and daughter with me. ;)
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