I mean, c'mon, she is almost 3! (3! GAAAH!)
And of course we have been places together, just the 2 of us, of course we have had outings and lunch or whatever.
But Saturday night? Madee and I went on our first little date to eat pizza at a restaurant and watch Megamind on the big screen. It was her 1st big screen movie. And now I feel a trend coming on.
First of all, I slept ALOT this weekend. And as I woke up from my super slumberous afternoon nap on Saturday, Boom Boom was all, "Why don't you take Madee to a movie?"
I looked up the best options, times, and locations, made mental notes and we were out the door.
Here we are driving to the Mellow Mushroom and singing "Let's Go To the Movies" from Annie.
My hair is a hot mess that must go in to the salon for some taming.

We were actually on this "alligator" (how Madee says escalator) earlier in the day, but how cute are our toes together?

Madee wanted pizza for her date dinner and what a yummy cheesy choice that turned out to be. Let us pause for a moment as I copy down some of the things I was thinking as she colored her kid's menu and I wrote in my spiral notebook.
"Do you remember ever saying, "One day, when I have my own kids..." I recall, but not specifically. In fact, I don't think I have been doing child appropriate events/outings/activities for quite some time. I mean, when you wait until your 30's to have a baby (or two) I think you kind of move away from doing child related things. Or even "family friendly" things.
Things I didn't realize about having kids:
#1 I look WAY older than I expected. Even though even my own parents only looked really young in the WAY young pictures of me, I just never considered myself looking like an "old mom".
#2 I don't do everything different than my parents did. I remember being "up in arms" and writing lists to my older self of things I
would let my kids do because I wanted to do that, but wasn't allowed. NEWSFLASH. My parents were often right.

#3 My "inner child" became my "outer child" when I had kids. I get so much joy from watching and participating in their "firsts", and remembering what it is like to have raw experiences. Like right now, my "inner child" is sitting right in front of me eating pizza and getting excited for her first "big girl" movie and freaking cool and sweet and well behaved and fun is she?
Even if she repeats a sentence 8 times in a row or spills her Sprite EVERYWHERE or, drunk on Sprite and a Movie Date, laughs a little too loudly a little too often? This is the best date ever and I can't wait until next week when she gets to do it with her Dad.

I took her to the Aloma Cinema and Grill, an old drafthouse that you used to go see movies and drink beer and smoke cigarettes and I have seen like 100 movies there. I thought it was going to be way cooler than a regular theater, and boy was I right. not only do they have ice cream and chairs and tables, but 100 other kids and parents were there too, so it was like the hugest party out Madee has EVER been to.
And Megamind? Adorable. I mean, I LOVE Tina Fey and Will Ferrel so that was a given, but Madee loved it too, and she watched the whole thing without 1 freak out.
It was AWESOME. Can't wait until it is my turn again!