Cousin love.
It makes me swoon.

and pretty much be the same age.
They are just all so cute together.
Like the 3 musketeers.
Only cuter and less facial hair.

Of course they are almost even more powerful when they are together,
since they form this sort of familial support team.
They totally had each others' backs.
For the most part.

And if things got a little too heated?
We'd just throw them in the pool.
Because, seriously, cooling off calms you down.

They had so much fun together that I can't wait to get them back together again.
I love watching them make memories together.
Childhood memories that are steeped in all the glory of new imaginations.

And I hope they still all want to sleep together in the same room until they are like, 25.

See ya tomorrow!
1 comment:
I saw that you "liked" my FB photog page and immediately made the connection to my chat with your husband on the beach...so I ckd out your FB & then linked to your blogs! Imagine my surprise when I realized our paths have already crossed (kinda)... Ready for ironic? I lived in the house you live in now...right up until about 12/15/10.... Too funny! It was the pool shot that first caught my attention! If I ever need a second shooter I will definitely be in touch! I'd love to back you up if you ever need a second shooter as well! Small world, right??
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