Remember when I went to that cute little beachy store? And I threatened spray paint and a hot glue gun? Well it has begun.
I got "aqua".
And although everything is being carefully packed* and so gingerly placed** into a moving trailer, I have set up a little piece of our future life on this credenza to inspire us of our new future life.
Or future new life?
You get it.
These are the prints I got for mother's day. I cannot begin to tell you how important it is to have large, awesome pictures of your happy children doing happy things in full view of every spot in your house.
It helps remind me of the joy during the more trying parts of a day with toddlers.

But this lamp? Perf for the paint. And that shelf. And that frame.
In fact, I am starting with dark or raw items, since I actually have alot of furniture/accessories painted whitewashy, ivory beachy colors, that fit the new design bill, I will worry about those pieces last.
Don't you love this green candy dish? I do!

We got this wall plaque for our wedding from some old friends, and I love it as much today as I did the day we got it. It is SO us, the nutshell of our mission statement.
It says:
Walk in the rain
smell flowers
stop along the way
build sandcastles
go on field trips
find out how things work
tell stories
say the magic words
smell flowers
stop along the way
build sandcastles
go on field trips
find out how things work
tell stories
say the magic words

My cousin Broday (HI BRODY!) in San Francisco found 2 abalone shells (unheard of to find even 1!) last time Boom Boom went surfing with him.
He sent one to me.
I love him.

And I couldn't resist finishing off this simple little robin's egg blue vase with some shells around the rim.

**hurled with wild abandon
OK yeah, the * points sound more believable, HA! But everything is looking lovely!
oh girl, you know the way WE move. If it doesn't break on the way? WE KEEP IT!
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