Well then get yourself to your local library with your toddler(s) and have one.
I am embarrassed to admit that I haven't been to a local library since we lived in Duluth, so that means I was depriving my children of toddler time at the library for at least a year.
We got a card 2 weeks ago, and the kids LOVE checking out movies and books.
And then there was today.
We stayed for back to back story times, since the girls are technically in 2 age groups, and Madee didn't want to leave. She was so in love with the lady storytelling and she sat up front with the kids, not even wondering where Eden and I were sitting.
It dawned on me that it is time to find some sort of regular program for her to attend a few (half) days a week. She is so social, and she is DYING for some independence.
OH the inner monologues that goes along with THOSE thoughts and feelings.
I grabbed some books as fast as I could while the kids screamed at each other in the library and here is what I have to read:

Details if you are interested.

But this is what I am reading while the kids are in their rooms.

The free-range kids book is really good! I read bits and pieces of it one day when I was bored at the library.
Another book that kinda goes along with is called The Last Child in the Woods!
We love library time, too!
I would really love to take Laura to the library. But all the toddler programming is scheduled in the middle of the week, while I'm at work and she's at day care!
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