Eden's bangs are all out of control lately, and I refuse to cut her curls.
Come to think of it, Madee's bangs are pretty long lately too, they have been sporting the same little Pebbles Flintstone ponytail on top of their noggins.
Madee calls them "Fairy Tails" and takes hers out right away.
Eden calls them "Owwwwws"

They are really enjoying the beach these days. They could play in sand and water till cows come home.
Also? BOATS!
It is a total score!

And Boom Boom is getting the hang of this surfing thing. So he looks all kinds of happy at the beach too.

"Take me surfing, Daddy?"

These girls are total beach babes now. With their little princess wings? They have the confidence to take on all the fishes!

Gorgeous beach bum smile.

"I go surpin TOO!"

I like to bite this chin meat.

Madee just looks so natural on the beach. Her hair, her swagger, like she was made for surfing.

I die of her cuteness DAILY.
Seriously. Somebody pull out the paddles.

You were right about the cuteness!
so! jealous of the beaches! and the tiny bikini babies. :)
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