What's Hana-K? Well it's the 8 days of K's birthday, that have in the past been known to be stretched into 12 or more days and has easily some years only barely been celebrated at all, but Hana-K?
It's kind of my thing.
And today? Well today, internetz it just has to be the last day because I just won't fit in my pants/skirts/airline seats if it goes on one. more. day.
And I mean starting TOMORROW.
Anyhoo, here is a break down of fun Hana-K happenings.
First of all, do I look any different? Um, I mean MY BLOG. See I have this awesome friend with even more awesome timing that just gussied things up around here for us. Maybe you know Dana Sears?
If you don't? Well she is one of my favourite Canadians, and she was asking for my button and I was all, "I haz no clue of this button you speak" and she was all "I can make button, you can HAZ button," and I was all, "Serious? YAY!"
And next thing you know, nonsense led to further nonsense and voila! We haz all new design around here!
2? Have any of you seen this little waterproof sport camera? It does video, and I will be finding out more about that in the coming days, but all the pictures for this post are courtesy of this little sport dude, who is waterproof up to 9 feet.
I think he will get along with us just great, we tend to create puddles.

I, too, am in love.
I saw a lady on the Lake Eola playground that had her little rebel in it, and I just HAD TO have it. immediately. Feel the same way? Go Here. Seriously, I can understand if you HAVE to have one. I totally felt that way, too.

So Friday was Cassie's birthday. Cassie and I were roommates on BROADWAY (stories to follow at some time, but TOO GOOD to get into right now.)
Cassie's birthday actually falls during Hana-K (lucky!) and so I drove back to BROADWAY for an adventure (because it is always an adventure) and here I am driving while doing stuff I shouldn't be doing while driving.


It is a totally psychological issue, because this stew? was the BUFFALO BOMB.
But this is still me finding out that it is buffalo.


Smurf Cake. WHO KNEW?

I lived on BROADWAY a loooooong time ago.
Like skinny and blonde ago.
I might need to cut my hair short again. Ono and I look SO YOUNG!

Also for my birthday? My old laptop is magically working again! So I didn't have to buy a new laptop yet. I think we all know I am holding out for a Mac next time!

Saturday our neighborhood had some sort of garage sale extravaganza, (YAY!) and I found lots of killer deals, but these orange IKEA chairs I have wanted for a year, but not wanted to pay $40 a piece for? YEP. got 4 of them for $20.
Inside, outside, STACKABLE and I can fully hose them down. ::sigh::


Sunday? Brunch and antique browsing with Jules.

::pouty lip::

I love doors. LOVE THEM.
I will be going back with the DSLR to re-photograph these for my bedroom. Want them too? Because I will be putting them in my upcoming e-store!

I love that man.
I mean a CRAZY kind of love.

Grandmama and Grandaddy came over for dinner too! They brought awesome pizza and ICE CREAM CAKE (fat!) and presents and party hats!

I hope everybody else's Hana-K is cheery and bright!
Happy Birthday. Love the new blog look.
Love the new look and all the birthday fun!! Happy Hana-K.
You are so fantastic. This post proves why you are my bestie! And it has nothing to do with all the talk about my designing anything for you. You are just so damn cute! Oh & Have the HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY EVER! We will be celebrating Hana-K today here. I am going to make a cake and everything. (Any excuse to eat choco icing).
Love you lots Hot stuff!
I have a big time love for your new blog! Dana did awesome!
I'm so glad that your Hana-K has been fantabulous and I just know that today will be too!! Happy Birthday!
Happy Hana-K! Love the new design and wish I could haz the button, tooo...lol! Treat yerself all queenly like today!
Happy Birthday and LOVE the new look!!!
Happy Birthday. I want that bag. And your hair. But I'll settle for that camara. Great looking place you got going on around here. I feel like I should be holding a silver cup just to visit.
oh you GUYS!
thank you for the birthday wishes!
and thanks for loving the new look!
and the hair.
oh and martha? imma get right on your cup
don't worry, it will be full if wine for you know who!
i LOVE YOU guys!
dana! awesome design!
trish - c'mere and gimme hugs!
Happiest of Happy Hana-K! Oh and what is the e-store of which you speak? Do tell, you know I like buying stuff even if I don't need it! I already wanna buy sum and I don't even know what you gots! Please?...Just one thing?? New design is all kinds of awesome too!
1. Happy birthday!
2. LOVE the new blog look (I have a thing for castles).
3. Happy birthday!
4. Am coveting that sweet purse.
5. Happy birthday!
6. The blue cake is a little iffy, though...
7. Happy birthday!!
aw, happy, happy! & the new look is so fun!
very cool red bag and the doors are awesome.
happy hana-K!
love your girls and want to squeeze those legs!
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