This morning when I started my bloggy little morning, checking for last commenters from yesterday, I saw a comment that said, "Love the new design."
Ummm, what?
Yall, like little elvin fairies that fix your troubles and worries in the wee hours of your sleepitude, Dana the Blog Fairy glittery sparkled her wonderweb magic and TA-DA! has given Family Sized Fun the perfect look.
I sent her this picture a month or so ago, saying I died for it, but luckily Boom Boom knows CPR and like the HEIMLICH and he brought me back to life and when I opened my eyes all I could see were little birdies in birch trees.

And look at me now! -------------------------------------->
Oh the BIRCH! the BIRDS! the GREY!
It's so perfect I just may start wanting to blog more!
Thank you Dana! You outdid yourself THIS TIME!
LOVE! Love. love.
LOVE it!!!
Love it!!
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