14 months old? Getouttaheah!
That's just crazy.
I don't know how many of you went for the almost-twins gusto of back to back babies, but it is a grueling and daunting 1st year.
But THAT is SO 2 months ago.

What's a kitty say?

It's the best part about hand-me-downs, the reminiscing, the remember whens.
She is SO funny. She loves to spin around and snuggle up and she has been all into caring for her baby dolls lately, gently wiping them and rolling them up in blankets. Feeding them and burping them and holding them under the water at bath time while laughing maniacally. (Um, whut?)
My little "Everyday Princess".
She loves the kitties so hard that she is grounded from touching them for a while. She is starting to break and rend everything that she can get her squeezy little hands on.
So Madee is about to really get all kinds of her own medicine.
Poor thing. (Godzilla Baby Wins)

Words she says:
bobba (bottle)
meeuu (milk)
bam mama (grandmama)
teetees (kitties)
Hi Dad!
maNANA (banana)
heeyO! (hello)
sisser (sister)
Mada (Madee)
Hey Mom.
moMO (more)
behbeh (baby)
bah (bath)

She fully had Madee in a full Nelson + hair grab and I saw the whole thing - Madee STARTED it.
She should totally rethink her strategy.
Godzilla Baby Wins!

Anybody want a Nanner Sandwich?
1 comment:
Aw! What a little sweetheart. I LOVE that tutu she's wearing.
Also bam mama as grandma? That cracks me up. Baby talk is the best.
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