Being the goofinator I am, I thought, "What a GREAT opportunity to mess with his friends!"
I frantically searched for his ad, and sent him this message in reply, along with a picture of me and Charlie's dog, a dog he had known for like 11 years. (since she was a pup)
i like long walks on the beach
candlelight dinners
and naked bocce ball
that's pretty much all i like
i like my dog alot
my last several relationships lasted
about 4 minutes
but i still got paid for the whole hour
i've only had the crabs two times
i really can't wait to meet you
(i do not currently have the crabs)
I know, classy, right?
Literally, Charlie had just gotten off of the phone with him, updating him about his new life, location and love life.
I soon received this reply:
Hey,,, I got a laugh out of your
email! But I really have to ask about
your dog, its weird but she looks just like my buddy's dog from college,
that I help raise and still see alot of (he's buying a house in tahoo right
now). What is she/he? Blue heeler???
she's a mutt or something
my dog rocks
i found her in some indian reservation
passing thru arizona
she makes smelly farts
that's why i named her zoie
where is tahoo?
it sounds delicious!
I know, I am *kinda* a jerk, right?
That was actually the true story of how Charlie got Zoie.
Ok Youve got to be shittin me,
and this is truely no lie...Charlie (my
college buddy) got his dog from flagstaff AZ on the Rez. and No kiddin
around,,,Her name is Zoe,,,,so now I presume You are Charlies girlfriend???
Poor dude. I love how you can see him figure it out while he was typing. By the time he actually met me, he was standing up for Charlie in our wedding.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess it was just *this* sort of thing that made him fall for me.

Oh yeah I am FULL of shenanigans...
I would have dated you after that exchange or at least taken my chances that you were kidding about the crabs. I bet he was pissed you were taken.
poppy i think i will just go ahead and date you anyway. you sound perfect for me!
he did sound a little disappointed, no?
Ahem....he knows about the constant excitement in my life. I don't think Bob is cut out for the life we live. I love it (most of the time) but he is probably counting his lucky stars he is not in my boots. BBVD
Poppy said to check this out and it's hilarious! I would never have the balls to do something like that, but love that you did...without even knowing him!
I snorted juice out my nose! That is hilarious!! OMG.. This is why I lurve you..(And BBVD too!)
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