Once upon a time their was a weeeeee little Godzilla Baby and BOY DID SHE LOVE KITTIES. Every time she went outside she went straight to the first kitty she saw and would pick him right up.
Sometimes by his back skin.
(poor kitty)



She would hug the kitty.
Like he was the last kitty on Earth.
She LOVED him.

It was a sqweezy kind of love.

She would pet the kitty.
And he kinda even looked like he loved it.

But EVERYBODY loves bacon.
Also a sqweeezy kind of love.

I love this post like nobody's business. :)
Very cute. I have to admit I'm sort of on brother kitty's side. But boy does she love that kitty.
cutest post ever!
bacon AND cats in one post? swoon! you've won me over. and brother kitty? is a very smart kitty!
Seriously - So Stinking CUTE! I love that the cat puts up with it :)adorable! Your Godzilla Baby reminds me of Elmira from Tiny Toons! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAlQoei16AM
1. godzilla baby is freaking precious.
2. i don't even like cats and that cat is cute.
Man, am I ever glad I read this one during the day because I laughed loud enough to wake the whole neighborhood.
Squeazy love! And bacon! It doesn't get better than that.
My 19 mo daughter is also in LOVE with cats! We have a dog and a cat and while she likes both, she is clearly crazy about the feline child. And the stuff he puts up with from her amazes us. He is so patient and sweet with her. He has his claws, so we used to be nervous. But it is clear that he will never do anything to hurt her. Even if/when she kind of sort of deserves it. ;)
Their relationship began in utero. He would rub up against my belly and purr, and she would immediately start to move around and kick at him. LOL
Your photos?
And your words?
You tell a story like no one else I know.
That is just awesome.
So cute! Plus? Your photos kick ass!
Love kittehs... ADORED this post!
Ha! This is like our house. Sierra won't go NEAR the kid. Nev, on the other hand? Well, you can check out my Wordless Wednesday post from yesterday... ; )
And then there's this series of pictures, which is one of my favorites ever:
Love it! What a great cat to put up with all of that!
We have one cat that puts up with my daughter's torture, but the other cat runs every time she walks into the room.
What are your cat's names?
thanks for all the purr-y love you guys!
cutest thing i EVER did was get kitties for the babies
it has been a hit!
i love hearing about your kids and kitties.
genina? elmira is a character originally based on me
red hair? check
sqweezy love? CHECK!
the black one is Speedbump Doback
the grey one is Coyote Bait Huff
I am not sure why they have different last names, maybe they are Stepbrothers?
Godzilla Baby squeezy love.
Ah, Stepbrothers. Nice reference.
I love it - i wish my cats would let Sugar Plum love on them! I would pay them if they would just let her pet them (granted when they let her that close she pulls out handfulls of hair).
This post makes me smile!
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