Imma hafta say something.
First of all, how cute are these 2 at bath time? Last night was Eden's first time out of her seat in the bath tub and she felt like such a big girl.
Although a little worried. And rightly so.

The first thing she did was go for the thing that Madee is always going after to get herself in trouble - the faucet. Awesome. So she knows what the bad stuff is an CAN'T WAIT TO DO IT.
She really enjoyed being hollered at for it.
"I'm BIG TIME NOW y'all!"

Other "Big Girl" stuff she's doing?
Cracking us all up at snack time sitting like a big girl at the kid's table.
She eats dinner like this, too.
So stinkin' cute!
OMG - Adorable! I want to squish them <3
They seem to grow up so quickly. DZ loves bath time and is also fascinated by the facet.
Ridiculously, deliciously adorable!
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