A few things you should know:
I am not a professional
I learned everything I do know from Cyndy
Madee's hair is too crucial to her for me to continue doing this
Since we moved back to Orlando, and closer to my most treasured friend, who is also an incredibly talented hairstylist, I knew it was going to be time for an upgrade soon.
I only hoped that all the practice with my scissors was going to make this a more pleasant experience for all of us.

Yet as any kid would be, she was still a lee-tle timid at first.

This is her mustering up a smile for the camera.

And then it happened.
My timid little toddler looked up into the mirror, and I caught a glimpse of her in the future. She pushed her hair behind her ears, and looked up through her little lashes and my heart just stood still for a moment.

I often imagined my younguns getting their haircuts by her, and after moving away and having them on the other side of the country, there was a part of me who didn't want to let go of that. As incredible a stylist she is, she was my friend first, and we have seen each other through tremendous highs and lows in life. We have grown apart and grown together and it is beyond touching for me to see her interacting with my little loves.

It is just one of those things that reminds me exactly how "home" I am. And assures me I am in the right place.
You know? My heart so needed this. Not that it is finished, but there is just - do you know what "home" is?
I am so glad I do.

And just like that, my baby, my toddler, my little lady was lowered in the pumping chair to the floor and felt very grown up.

She knows her hair is beautiful, and you know this because she pauses at her reflection, drags her stool to the bathroom mirror, gets lost looking at how she has recently changed.

She has her own style that kid.
But all she cares about is having her own Dum-Dum.

So happy you feel like you're home. And she is adorable! Thanks for sharing this. The pictures make it totally awesome too :)
OMG! I love it!!! So cute :)I just want to squeeeeeze her, and you!
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