I kicked the evening off at Cyndy's salon, getting my eyes uncovered. My bangs just grow so thick and fast that I have to swing in between haircuts, lest I start getting crazy in the mirror with my scissors.
Also? I lost my phone (AGAIN) so I was getting all mavericky and feeling super free.

We used to live right next door to each other in an apartment building, so we didn't even have to walk across a yard to get to each other. Last night after she cut my bangs and started to close up shop, I was all, "You don't HAVE to, but do you want to hang out?"
I think a part of her MAJAH routined self hesitated, but I was all, "I will just do whatever you are doing, and you won't even know I am there, except that we will be drinking that Lite Beer from Miller and I might laugh kind of loud.
But, OH, she knows that.
Did I mention I lost my phone? Because that was kind of keeping me from staying in touch with Julie, who was also supposed to hang out with us. (with our "unscheduled" plans that I made for all of us.)
Luckily, the first thing I did when I met Julie was refer her to Cyndy for hair, and so I was still able to call her.
An aside? Cyndy remembers everybody's phone number, and I don't know anybody's.
Good match. (Better deal for me.)
Anyhoo, we grabbed nachos and beer and met Julie back at Cyndy's house and the 3 of us sat on the couch eating nachos and drinking that Lite Beer from Miller and laughing our nachos off watching an AFV wedding special edition.
Then we loved the hell out of this guy.

I could seriously just hang out there with her all the time and may have been known to do just that before I had chitluns.
In related news, my mom pulled out some awesome old pictures of when she did my hair.

I have many more, and I plan on sharing them all, but first I think you should look at this one.

I have decided to go on one of those "I never knew my brother" shows with Maury or Jerry or Oprah so I can be reunited with my REAL family members.

HO.LEEE.SHIIIIT! OMG! I had to keep scrolling up & down a little to compare the pics! WOW... SO when you getting your sibling check, that's TOTALLY your brother!!! Love the poofed bangs pic, my absolute fave..(so far) =) <3 ya!
So stinkin funny!
Separated at birth! Or soon after!
You know I'm talking about the squirrel, right? ;-D
Squirrell! So kayoot! Must squeeeeeze!
OMG! Love this post, and your hair, fabulous! hahaha... Umm... btw, tell your friend I want her squirrel, stat. SO CUTE!!!
That is hilarious! Love that you tweeted @diablocody to let her know. :)
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