It's 9:23 and I am coaching Eden through a major solid turd. I sound like Charlie when I was giving birth. It's going to be a rough one. But how exciting! Solid turds are starting! Woohoo!
Unless it's constipation. NO!
9:45 changed the diaper. everything came out okay!

10:25 and Madee threw her diaper at me, walked into the bathroom, and since i was rocking Eden to sleep, I could only hear what went down.
PP in plastic potty basin
PP dump into toilet
toilet flush
bath water turned on to clean out PP basin
then she put her stool up to the sink and washed her hands
She's a genius.
Last night, we went to Target, and spent at least 30 minutes playing dress up in the scarf and hat section. I have never heard so many old lady coos. We made a scene together. But she's the one that made the scene memorable.

She's growing up so fast my head is spinning.
10:46 Eden can clap now. That makes the Go Diego Go theme song even more entertaining for all of us.
11:15 I am starting to think about this Queekend. There is always room for Family Sized Fun in the Teeny Tiny House.
Plus the dads drink rum and play video games and that makes Charlie smile.

11:25 and we have taken 2 baths and 1 shower. And when I say we, I don't mean me. Maybe this afternoon.
11:42 I already started worrying about the day my kids become sexually active. I hope I teach them to be smart about choices like that. I hope they feel like they can talk to me. I hope I listen.
12:14 after some good old fashioned yelling the kids have decided to get along. heading towards shower. publish.
1 comment:
Now I know what happens while I work. Wanna trade? Just kidding...your job is harder than mine. - Dad
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